What is a custom landing page and why do I need one?

Feb 3, 2020

You have a website so you may think that you have your bases covered when it comes to digital advertising. After all, you can just direct your potential customers to your website, right? Well…not so fast! If you are investing in digital marketing, you want to make sure your investment is living up to its full potential.

So, what is the deal with custom landing pages? Custom landing pages allow marketers to send visitors to a page specially aligned with the campaign they clicked on. Whether it’s a sale, free content, or blog post – the visitor doesn’t have to spend time looking around for the content they were interested in and clicked on.

There are a few reasons we recommend taking the extra time to craft a landing page for your campaigns, some you may not have considered. Here are our top four reasons you need a landing page for your upcoming campaign.

  1. Lead generation – At the core of your website, you are really looking for two things: to bring traffic to your site, and to convert your visitors. By building a landing page, especially one that asks your customers for an email address, you are opening the door to a future purchase. They may not be ready today, but if your landing page worked, you now have an email address that you can target and ensure your brand stays top of mind.
  2. Data, data, and more data – If you have invested in digital marketing you already know how much you can learn about your target customer – from what their buying habits are to what TV programs they like to watch. With landing pages, you can also track what type of content they’d prefer. Let’s say you have a spice business and you notice that Susan has downloaded every recipe on your site about grilling the perfect steaks. Knowing that she is looking for steak recipes, you may want to follow up with ads about spices that would pair well with steak or maybe sides that would work well with a steak meal, perhaps spice mixes that would make out-of-this-world potatoes. Who knows – the possibilities are endless! This is how you learn from your customers and make suggestions that bring them back again and again.
  3. Remove the temptation to stray – Studies have shown that when you remove distractions consumers have a higher rate of conversion. Think about it, on your site you may have a blog, social media feed, or new products or services that may steal a customer’s attention from the freebie you’d like to give them (in exchange for their email of course!) By focusing in on what you would like your customer to do, you are giving them less of a chance to get carried away somewhere else and forget why they landed on your site to begin with!
  4. Utilize your content everywhere! – Typically, the content for a landing page can have quite the legs, after all, if you are going to all this work to create a special offer or freebie you want to make sure it has a long shelf life! Usually, this type of content can also translate well to email, social media advertising, digital ads, or found through organic searches. We encourage you to take advantage of every marketing route there is to encourage more traffic to your site!

We hope these reasons have convinced you that creating a landing page is the way to go. The next step? Make sure you are making your content enticing enough for your visitors to convert, then you are off to the races!

Tell us about your goals and we will create a custom digital marketing strategy designed specifically for you – no cookie cutter formulas that are the same for every client. Our team manages everything from campaign design, ad creation, digital display, websites, search, ad purchasing and monitoring, monthly reporting, strategic adjustment, and more to make sure your investment is bringing you the return you are looking for.

By: Tim Zercher
Award winning CEO of A-Train Marketing specializing in comprehensive health marketing solutions.

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